What is ArtSmart?

The Story of ArtSmart: This blog began as part of an independent study project in arts education that I created during my junior year of college. I analyzed scholarly papers, news articles, policy developments, and case studies surrounding the field of arts (specifically theatre) education, and I documented my findings in this blog. After that semester’s project ended, ArtSmart lay dormant for several months.

I brought the blog back to life when after graduating from college. I was finally doing what I’d talked about doing for years, and I was inspired to share my discoveries: all of the victories, struggles, challenges and most importantly life lessons that I experience through my journey as a teaching artist. Teaching artistry is learned through practice, and I believe that practice is supported by community. I hope this blog will continue to serve as a means of connecting teaching artists. As I navigate my path, I hope to continue dialogue about the many facets of teaching artistry as an artistic practice.

The HeART of the Matter: These are some of my beliefs about the value of the arts in our society that guide everything that I do as a teaching artist and the posts you’ll find here on ArtSmart.

  • The arts are fundamental to the human experience. They challenge us to observe, engage with, challenge and improve the world around us.
  • The arts are integral to our daily lives, and they need to be an equally integral part of education. The arts belong in the classroom because they belong in our world. American education needs to prioritize and take ownership of the mission to cultivate the creative leaders our current social, economic, political and cultural circumstances demand.
  • The arts give us a way to create, understand and embrace the differences in our world. The arts encourage us to expand our minds and see the world from more than one perspective.

Why is it called “ArtSmart?”The short answer is: it seemed like a good idea at the time. The only slightly longer answer is that at its core, “ArtSmart” reflects my belief that teaching artists are critical, creative thinkers with a unique perspective on the intersection of arts and education that is worth sharing with others.

For more arts education resources, be sure to check out the list of related blogs and websites to the right, as well as my teaching artist bookshelf, and Elliot Eisner’s 10 Lessons the arts teach.

One thought on “What is ArtSmart?

  1. I love the term “ARTSMART” !!!! What would our world be like without the creativity within all of us coming alive through the ARTS? Bleak…for sure ! HELLO !! I am a Music Teacher in Georgia and just recently started my own blog called “Teaching Musical”. It is primarily geared towards MUSIC EDUCATORS, specifically ELEMENTARY Music Educators. However, it is open to ANYONE interested in promoting Arts in Education. Please take a moment to check out my blog. It is very NEW, so any comments or suggestions you have will be valued. I have subscribed to your blog as well and look forward to keeping up with “ArtSmart” !!!!

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